Dominica Editor's Choice

Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Takes Aim at Plastic Pollution

Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Takes Aim at Plastic Pollution

Dominica joins Caribbean citizens across the islands to celebrate the birds that live only in the region for its sixteenth consecutive year.  The festival runs from Earth Day (April 22nd) to International Biodiversity Day (May 22nd). These events are all part of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), organized by BirdsCaribbean. This year’s theme addresses a critical concern: Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution.

Plastic pollution is a global issue. Here in the Caribbean it is having a major impact, not only on our important tourism product but also on our fragile environment. Our islands are home to over 170 endemic birds – found nowhere else in the world. Just like our human visitors, the birds that live year-round on our islands need to feel welcome and comfortable in a clean, healthy environment. Solid waste, mostly consisting of plastics, is upsetting the balance of our ecosystems, for birds and for ourselves.

The Government of Dominica has already implemented a ban on single-use plastics and Styrofoam. The Ministry of Environment, Climate Resilience, Disaster Management, and Urban Renewal is responsible for the implement of the ban which seeks to prohibit the importation of non-biodegradable single-use plastics.

This year, the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division will embark on a series of birding and clean-up activities with different primary schools and communities, in keeping with the theme. The highlight of this year’s events is a Choral Speech completion with 4H Clubs of the northeast region.

Please support our activities and help keep Dominica a cleaner, healthier, beautiful and bird-friendly country.

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