Dominica Caribbean Editor's Choice

Dominica expands public housing programme, funded by citizenship by investment

Dominica expands public housing programme, funded by citizenship by investment

Weather-resistant homes for Bellevue Rawle families

ROSEAU, Dominica – The government of Dominica announced last week that it had commissioned the construction of 32 new, affordable, and, crucially, weather-resistant homes for Bellevue Rawle families in the Roseau North Constituency as part of Dominica’s ‘Housing Revolution.’ Once finished, the national project will count 5,000 new homes for residents across the island.

Clearance of the land for the homes is currently underway, and construction will commence within a month of the soil being tested.

Bellevue Rawle is not the only town benefitting from the housing project. Thirty-three residential units for the village of Jimmit in the Mahaut Constituency have recently been announced, and various developments across Dominica are either scheduled or already under construction. The homes will follow the same blueprint as previous units built by the government, which includes hurricane-resistant windows, roofs and wiring. Increased employment opportunities in the construction sector are also expected.

Dominica’s Housing Revolution is funded entirely by the nation’s citizenship by investment (CBI) programme. During a site visit to some of the successful housing developments in the northern town of Portsmouth, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit emphasised the fiscal leverage the programme has provided to effect social advancement.

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