Glasgow, Scotland – The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) presented the READY Together programme’s contribution to COP26 goals to the participating countries.
The global conference has brought world leaders together to discuss and agree on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and actions to lessen the impact of climate change, a major challenge for the Caribbean.
The READY Together programme was presented by a video created by OECS the 11 of November and during a side event. You could see this on Youtube : https://youtu.be/LnrHzPQaJiU
The READY Together programme is implemented by the Regional Intervention Platform for the Americas and the Caribbean (PIRAC) of the French Red Cross, in collaboration with the OECS and the Council of Guadeloupe Region. The programme covers eight territories – Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. It aims to strengthen regional coordination mechanisms for efficient disaster management; to support Caribbean National Red Cross in emergency preparedness; to improve economic actors’ resilience; to raise public awareness on disaster risk reduction & climate change adaptation; to lead research and innovation on climate and health crises issues.
Speaking on behalf of the OECS delegation at COP26, Mr. Crispin d’Auvergne, OECS Climate change & disaster risk management Coordinator, highlighted that “The small Caribbean islands are particularly exposed to natural hazards and face increasing risks resulting from climate change, it is therefore vital that the region get ready to better respond to these impacts. The READY Together Programme, through the partnership between the OECS and French Red Cross PIRAC, is geared towards a united Caribbean prepared to face disaster and climate change effects.” Indeed, as Sendy Veerabadren, Head of regional delegation of the French Red Cross for the Caribbean, mentioned,” in front of such significant climate impacts for small island territories, regional cooperation and coordination are essential to build resilience.”
The READY Together programme contributes to the achievement of COP26 goals through its actions such as: the dissemination of multi-risk awareness messages, and good practices of adaptation to climate change; building resilience of vulnerable business owners through business preparedness and sensitization; implementation of innovative technologies such as water desalinization in emergency; advocacy for disaster risk reduction (DRR), international disaster response law (IDRL) and climate change adaptation (CCA) mainstreaming; forecasting of hydro-meteorological impacts and development of early action systems; capacity building on emergency response at national and regional levels.
The strengthening of regional cooperation is the keystone of the programme. OECS and PIRAC work together to improve coordination between territories and partners acting on risk management and adaptation to climate change and to spread the culture of risk in the region.
The READY Together programme is funded by INTERREG Caribbean, the French Development Agency (AFD), and the Guadeloupe Region. The programme is scheduled to end in December 2022.