Caribbean Editor's Choice

Statement by Antigua – Barbuda at the 49th general assembly of the OAS held in Medellin, Columbia

Statement by Antigua – Barbuda at the 49th general assembly of the OAS held in Medellin, Columbia

ST JOHNS, Antigua – Antigua and Barbuda is deeply concerned that the long-established process of building consensus in the decision-making of the Organisation of American States (OAS) is now being severely eroded. In its place is developing a trend by which a few powerful countries coerce 18 votes in a non-transparent technique, and then impose their will on all.

This has created a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration among other member states, thereby weakening the Organisation and undermining the value of membership of it. This latest trend has come in the tide of usurpation of the organs of authority, established by the Charter and long respected by member states.

For some time now, the authority of the permanent council, as the representative body of member states in between meetings of this general assembly, has been subverted by unauthorised statements and actions by the secretary-general.

The role of the permanent council has been further undercut by the secretary-general’s disregard for it. More than often, the permanent council learns of the secretary-general’s actions and statements by his tweets and media statements.

The secretary-general does not represent himself, nor does he represent any one member-state or group of member-states; he was elected to represent the collective view of all our…

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