Caribbean Editor's Choice

OECS Director-General formulate groundwork for 2021

OECS Director-General formulate groundwork for 2021

Director General of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Dr Didacus Jules 

By Caribbean News Now contributor

CASTRIES, Saint Lucia — Director General of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Dr Didacus Jules, speaking at the opening ceremony of the 67th meeting In Antigua and Barbuda stated that,  “More than ever before diplomacy matters and the outreach to non-traditional partners that we have started in the thrust to Africa, the strengthening of our diplomatic coordination in the entire European theatre and the heightening of our battles against economic dictation, arbitrary blacklisting and de-risking will be intensified” under the chairmanship of prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne.

“This includes enabling trade and business anywhere in the OECS to operate everywhere in the OECS and to allow every citizen of a member state to travel freely and without hassle with family for work, leisure or residence anywhere in the OECS and that the region will be better able to adapt and recover quickly from adversity in climate and the environment, economic and social systems.”

The mid-June meeting of the OECS authority marks the beginning of the new financial and programmatic year of the OECS and invariably involves the hand-over of the chairmanship of the regional body. This year our out-going chairman Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves hands over the baton to our incoming chairman Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

“As we mark the transition, [form prime minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves to incoming chairman Browne, ] we express our sincere gratitude to chairman Gonsalves for his guidance in the past year and we celebrate the hugely significant diplomatic accomplishments of his administration on the international stage – first with the election of Rhonda King of St Vincent and the Grenadines as the 74th president of the UN Economic and Social Council in July 2018 and secondly the election of St Vincent and the Grenadines to…

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