We announce the death of Gabriel Osborne Laudat age 87 of Coulibistrie who resided at Morne Daniel who died at his residence on Wednesday February 17.
He leaves to morn:
His Children; Geoffrey Laudat in Canada and Avril Laudat West in England
His Ex Wife: Ninun Laudat
1 Grand Child Chantal in England and 1 great grand child
Siblings: Vilna, Hettie and Peterson Laudat in Coulibistrie, Ivorn Laudat in England
Nieces and Nephews including: Pastor Randy and Junie Rodney, Philbert, Cosy, John, Michael, Brenda, Dave, Brandon, Davis and Lorna in Dominica; Kervin White in Canada, Fitz Gerald Groton in St. Croix, Lenroy Groton and Rolande Laudat in Guadeloupe, Caryl and Lynne in Atlanta, Lennon Laudat in Anguilla, Anthony-Ronald, Michael, Matthew, Daryl, David, Andrew, Anthony, Joseanne and Jacinta Laudat in England.
66 Grand Nieces and Nephews including Dilon Jack
Sisters in Law; Kezia and Catherina Laudat
God Son Wilfred Larocque in Atlanta
Caretakers: Janey Francis, Julietta Francis, Jessica Paul, Sharon Baron, Juliana Eugene and Shirley Cadette,
Friends including Mr. and Mrs Ron Abraham, Dan Ferreira, Dr. Hazel Shillingford Rcketts, Janice Monelle, Derrick Jno Lewis, Steve Lewis, Jubar Francis, Augustus Julien, Doreen Francis, Mr and Mrs Henry Dyer and Pastor Gerald Benjamin in Dominica, Veronica In New York, Winston Woodley in Trinidad, Ashton James in Trinidad, Julian James in London, Patrick James and the James family in Dominica and overseas
Nurse Lewis, Board and Members of Truth and Grace fellowship, The Williams Family and numerous friends in Colihaut, the Laudat Family in Atlanta and Coulibistrie.
The funeral Service of the late Gabriel Laudat will be held on Friday 26th February, at Truth and Grace Fellowship Global, viewing at 2:30 pm and service at 3:00 pm. Internment at the Roseau Public Cemetery.