Death Announcement

Death announcement of 86 year old Theresa Evantina Cuffy Fontaine of Hagleigh Grand Bay

Death announcement of 86 year old Theresa Evantina Cuffy Fontaine of Hagleigh Grand Bay

We announce the death of Theresa Evantina Cuffy Fontaine.  She was born on 6th October 1934 in Hagleigh, Grand Bay. She resided in La Plaine and passed away on 24th October 2020.

• Married to Joseph “Cono” Fontaine for 65 years. Their 66th wedding anniversary was on 27th October 2020.

• Theresa is survived by:
o Her husband Joseph.
o Her eight children: Lucille, Liliane, Pamela, Linda, Paula, Joan, Karen and Paul.
o Her 10 grandchildren: Darren, Courtney, Kadine, Wesley, Joel, Warren, Jason, Rebekkah, Tia and Luke.
o Her 11 great-grandchildren: Chanel, Keturah, Dannina, Jhanii, Zaccai, Milan, Jaidee-Lea, Jona, Eden, Chyna, Iman.
o Her one great-great-granddaughter: Nyneave.
o Her one son-in-law: George.

Funeral Mass will take place on Monday 23rd November 2020 at the Grandbay Catholic church  at 2.30pm

About Author

Emerline Anselm

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