The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) will host a Regional Climate Change and Health Forum on December 7, to continue its efforts tosensitize the citizens of the Caribbean about the effects of Climate Change on Health.
The Forum is to be held virtually under the auspices of an EU/CARIFORUM project, called “Strengthening Climate Resilient Health Systems in the Caribbean”, which is financed by the European Union (EU) and is currently being implemented by several regional partner agencies including the CCCCC, the CIMH, CARPHA, CARICOM Secretariat and PAHO.
The two-hour forum, which is expected to drive interest from across CARIFORUM countries will spotlight the collaborative work being done by partners and stakeholders to build the resilience of the region’s Health Systems and to address the critical impacts of climate change on the region’s populations.
Several health experts and climate change scientists will deliver presentations on the following topics: a) The availability of climate financing for the Health Sector; b) The importance of the Health National Adaptation Plan (HNAP) and its development, c) The benefits and expected outcomes of the EU/CARIFORUM Project, d) The key findings from the Caribbean Climate Change and Health Conference and e) the Importance of engaging stakeholders, such as youth to maximize efforts to address Climate Change and Health Issues.
The list of speakers for the Forum include Dr. James Hospedales of EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for Planetary Health; Dr Jonathan Drewery and Dr Daniel Buss of PAHO/WHO; Professor Christopher Oura of the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine; Dr Laura Lee Boodram of CARPHA; Dr Roche Mahon of CIMH; Dr Adelle Thomas of the University of the Bahamas; Dr William Hamilton of the Climate Change and Health Fellowship; and UNICEF Ambassador and HEY Founder Ashley Lashley.
The event is open to all CARIFORUM residents who can register for the meeting at