Updated: Death Announcement of 87 year old Daphne Lawrence Didier better known a Dado of Calibishie

Updated: Death Announcement of 87 year old Daphne Lawrence Didier better known a Dado of Calibishie

We are saddened to announce the death of Daphne Lawrence Didier, better known as Dado, 87 years old who resided in Calibishie.  She died on Saturday 22nd of July 2022. She leaves to mourn: Brothers: Flement Edwards and Macklyn George Aunt: Ina Lousier Nieces: Doreen, Judith, Josette, Celia, Heather, Jemma, Miranda, Andrin, Natalie, Solage, Neta, […]

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 Climate Smart Agriculture Project created to equip Agriculture Extension Officers, Forest Rangers, and affiliated professionals

Climate Smart Agriculture Project created to equip Agriculture Extension Officers, Forest Rangers, and affiliated professionals

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has embarked on a training project dubbed: “Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)”   The overall objective of the CSA training is to equip Agriculture Extension Officers, Forest Rangers, and other affiliated professionals with knowledge and facilitation skills to build capacity […]

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 Specific Procurement Notice Request for Quotation of Goods

Specific Procurement Notice Request for Quotation of Goods

Specific Procurement NoticeRequest for QuotationGoodsCountry: Commonwealth of Dominica Name of Project: Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods & Climate Resilience ProjectContract Title: Equipment for Boat BuildersGrant No.: IDA D3060-DMRFB Reference No.: DM-MAF-300967-GO-RFQ The Government of Dominica, Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture & National Food Security has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of […]

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 Death Announcement of 56 year old Ignatis Morgan of Petite Savanne

Death Announcement of 56 year old Ignatis Morgan of Petite Savanne

We announce the death of 56-year-old Ignatis Morgan of Petite Savanne  She died at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital on Friday 1st July, 2022.   Ignatis will forever live fondly in the memories of: Children: Melissa and Vince MorganBrothers: Etienne, Mitchel, and Elias Laurent Sister: Claire Thomas Sisters-in-Law: Marlene Laurent, Nathalie St. Valle, Rebecca Simon, […]

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 The Dominica Chess Federation has officially left the island to embark on the Journey to Chennai India, where they will be participating in the 44th Chess Olympiad

The Dominica Chess Federation has officially left the island to embark on the Journey to Chennai India, where they will be participating in the 44th Chess Olympiad

 The Dominica Chess Federation has officially left the island to embark on the Journey to Chennai India, where they will be participating in the 44th Chess Olympiad. This is a first of its kind Journey, where Dominica for the first time will compete amongst over 200 countries around the world, and against some of the brightest […]

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 Death announcement of 89 year old Lucy George of Morne Jaune who resided at Pottersville

Death announcement of 89 year old Lucy George of Morne Jaune who resided at Pottersville

We announce the death of Lucy George of Morne Jaune who resided at Pottersville She left to mourn: Her children: Ivinia Joseph Joan Paul- Principal of the Goodwill Christian Union Preschool Jonathan Bannis Jones James Pascal Mathew- Teacher at St Mary’s Primary Maurice Sulton Berty – Albert Phillip Grandchildren including: Joanne Matthew and Stacy Fleming […]

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