Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Held

Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Held

The St. Martin de Porres Chapel of the parish of St.Anne began the jubilant season of celebrating the birth of Christ with the historic Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. The service included readings from selected portions of Scripture complete with beautiful soloists, duets and choir ensembles. Father Letang who was recently installed as the […]

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 24 Year Old Entrepreneur Started Business With $500 Loan From Mom

24 Year Old Entrepreneur Started Business With $500 Loan From Mom

Linvor Ambo from the village of Dublanc is one of Dominica’s most successful young entrepreneurs. He manages Allorzee Business Ventures Inc which produces Choco Dominique, a locally made instant Cocoa powder. Ambo who has been the recipient of numerous awards including Most Determined Male Entrepreneur and Most Outstanding MSME Entrepreneur, says that finding funds to […]

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 Colton T Serenades Student with Disability

Colton T Serenades Student with Disability

Colton T has proven that he is an artist who truly cares about his art and those who support him. Colton T was the guest artist at the Achievement Learning Center Pageant recently held at the Alliance Francaise. When one of the students came on the stage during the performance, Colton responded as a truly […]

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