19  Cruise Ship Workers Return Home

19 Cruise Ship Workers Return Home

19 Dominicans who were employed on cruise ships returned home today.Dr Irving McIntyre, announced at the press briefing of the Ministry of Health that the 19 persons would be returning. He said, “We will again be receiving 19 cruise workers on Monday, 8 June”. This is the third group of persons who have been repatriated […]

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 World Environment Day Celebrated Today;  Minister Says Much Of Dominica’s Economic Activity Is Linked To Nature

World Environment Day Celebrated Today; Minister Says Much Of Dominica’s Economic Activity Is Linked To Nature

The Minister responsible for the Environment, Rural Modernization and Kalinago Upliftment, Hon. Cozier Frederick, addressed the nation on World Environment Day. According to him, “Within the sub region, Dominica’s natural resources have been regarded as being least tampered with or altered. Substantial levels of its natural features are still intact. Our country hosts the valuable […]

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 St Kitts and Nevis goes to polls today

St Kitts and Nevis goes to polls today

The people of St. Kitts and Nevis  goes to the poll today. Eleven of fifteen electable seats in the unicameral National Assembly will be contested by Harris’ Team Unity coalition and the opposition. The other four seats are appointed by the head of state and representative of the monarchy, Governor-General Sir Tapley Seaton. The incumbent […]

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 Hurricane Season Opens Today

Hurricane Season Opens Today

June 1 marks the official beginning of the Hurricane season which runs until November 30. Authorities are predicting a very active Hurricane season with Tropical Storm Arthur and Bertha forming in May 12 and 25 respectively. And it looks like Cristobal will form in a day or two in the southern Gulf of Mexico—threatening Mexico, […]

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