Valid from: 6:00 PM on Sunday, June 26, 2022
Synopsis: A tropical wave is affecting the area
Forecast for Tonight:
Generally cloudy to overcast, occasionally breezy and slightly hazy with scattered light to moderate showers and possible isolated thunderstorms
Forecast for Tomorrow:
Generally cloudy to overcast, breezy and slightly hazy with scattered light to moderate showers and possible isolated thunderstorms mainly during the morning
Wind: ENE to ESE @ 15 to 40 km/h
Sea Conditions: Moderate
Waves: 1.5 to 2.5 meters or 5.0 to 8.0 feet.
Warning/Advisory: A Small Craft Advisory remains in effect
Sunrise: 5:37 AM
Sunset: 6:39 PM
Low Tide: 9:29 AM and 8:19 PM
High Tide: 2:00 AM and 3:51 PM
Weather Outlook for Dominica and the Lesser Antilles
Valid from: 6:00 PM on Sunday, June 26, 2022
A tropical wave together with the presence of an upper level trough will continue to affect the area. As a result, increased cloudiness with showers and possible thunderstorm activity can be expected during tonight into tomorrow morning. People in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks are advised to exercise caution particularly during tonight and Note: The level of forecast accuracy and certainty decreases as the time increases. This is inherent to all model
projections. Therefore, there is less confidence after 48 hours. Model projections may change significantly daily.
tomorrow morning. A gradual reduction in moisture levels can be expected by tomorrow afternoon.
Another strong tropical wave located over the central tropical Atlantic is showing a medium to high chance of development and expected to approach the area by Tuesday into Wednesday. Residents are advised to monitor the progress of this wave.
Moderate seas are anticipated during the next 24 hours, with waves peaking to 8.0ft in eastern coastal waters. A small craft advisory is in effect for above normal swells. Small craft operators and sea bathers are advised to exercise caution.