Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 59 year old Joseph Riviere also known as Kyrlson of Mahaut

Death Announcement of 59 year old Joseph Riviere also known as Kyrlson of Mahaut

We announced the death of 59 year ol dJoseph Riviere, better known as Kyrlson

He Died on Wednesday 31st March 2021 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital

He lives to mourn:
Father: Wallace Riviere
Mother: Nathalie Lita Riviere
Sister: Ann Riviere-Leon
Brothers: Thomas, Eddie and Andy
Aunties: Wynant and Ester Esprit
Uncles: Rudolph Samuel, Rupert, Egbert and Sherman Esprit
Niece: Kezia
Nephews: Elan, Krentz, Klein, Anton, Andre, Andell
Grand nephew: Azarie
Grand Uncles: William “Son” Riviere. David Esprit and their families
Godmother: Meredith Desbonnes
In-laws: Valarie Riviere and Fitzroy Leon
Relatives: Pat Henry and family,  the Esprit’s, Riviere’s, Bruno’s family in Massacre, George James and the Symes family, Glendon Samuel, Annette Ismael, Anno and their families
Many other relatives, friends of the Mahaut community too numerous to mention

The body of the late Joseph Riviere better known as Kyrlson will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:00pm on 23rd April at the St Martin de Porres Chapel in Canefield. Funeral Mass begins at 2:30pm Followed by interment at the Mahaut Burial Ground.

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