Fourth centenary of the arrival of Carpentras Anonymous
FORT DE FRANCE, Martinique – Until this year 2019, we did not know his name, hence the term “The Anonymous.” This character has left a story of his trip to the Caribbean Sea, a manuscript found in the library of the diocese of Carpentras, in the south of France, hence the name “Carpentras.”
This manuscript is valuable because it is the first complete story of an expedition of pirates and buccaneers in the Caribbean Sea, which, besides Martinique, has also visited Dominica, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados.
This manuscript was found, transcribed, reviewed, annotated, commented by Jean-Pierre Moreau, archaeologist and published under the title: “Un Flibustier Français dans la Mer des Antilles” (“A French Buccaneer in the Caribbean Sea”).
The expedition in which “The Anonymous” participated left the port of Dieppe in France, on June 20, 1618, with four ships, sailing along the coast of Africa (Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands), crossing the equator (“crossing the line”) to make landfall in the northeast of Brazil (Pernambuco or Recife), then going back to the north: Lesser Antilles and Greater Antilles.