Caribbean Editor's Choice

Ecommerce in the Caribbean: A future dream or near reality?

Ecommerce in the Caribbean: A future dream or near reality?

The Caribbean is known for beautiful beaches, low taxes and for its laid-back lifestyle. But now it aims to gain a new perception: A great location to start an eCommerce.

As there are many efforts and plans to make broadband internet connection available not just in the urban areas but also in the rural areas, new types of enterprises are ready to enter the Caribbean’s economy: eCommerce. Online businesses are popping up everywhere around the world nowadays and the market is unlikely to stop growing.

There are many nations around the world who have looked to rapidly increase their internet and financial architecture to make it able for regional entrepreneurs to shift their business to online operations. The Caribbean, however, has been much slower in creating change in the banking system and so businesses have not been able to take part in the rise of the online economy.

But that is about to change. It is understood that the future of the Caribbean needs to be digital if the economy wants to compete worldwide. For islands like Saint Lucia, eCommerce offers great chances to grow new businesses or transform existing ones. The enterprises in the Caribbean are ready and so is the global market.

Export Handicrafts and Claim Your Piece of the Worldwide Market

The handicraft market in the Caribbean has been traditionally restricted to those tourists who actually visited the region. Thanks to the internet, eCommerce offers a chance to export these crafts which even small manufacturers can take advantage of. This means that enterprises of all sizes will gain access to new markets and customers.

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