Death Announcement

Death announcement of 43 year old Phillip Francis of Savanne Paille, Portsmouth who resided in Orlando Florida

Death announcement of 43 year old Phillip Francis of Savanne Paille, Portsmouth who resided in Orlando Florida

We announce the death of 43 year old, Phillip Francis of Savanne Paille, Portsmouth who resided in Orlando Florida.

He will be remembered by:
Wife; Taisha Vernon Francis

Father, Huskinson Francis

Brothers; Jefferson in Dominica and Donald in New Jersey

Sisters; Florence Francis, Charmaine Dublin, Delia Butler and Jessica Robinson

Uncles; Nicodemus and Alphonso Francis

Aunts; Roselyn and Isalin Francis, Lorma Alexis

Mother in law: Anna Roberts

Father Law: Alfred Roberts

Sisters in Law; Samantha Vernon

Brothers in Law, Wilson Dublin, Marlon Butler, Jacque Robinson, Anthony and Armando Vernon

He will also be remembered by:
Nieces: Bria Butler, Janae and Jeanine Robinson

Nephews: Ajanie Dyer, Malik Dublin, Jahmeil and Jeydal Francis, Robinson John

God Mother: Elaine Leblanc

God Father: Ninian Leblanc

Cousins to include: Odean, Kirk, Shamika, Shernita, Francess, Maureen, Glenda, Adaline,
Ignatius, Simon, Macdonald,

Close relatives and friends: Patrick Jean Pierre and Ivan Sorhaindo in Orlando, Nadine, Yvette
and Ines Francis, Felix Alexis, the Francis family in Savanne paille, Bagatelle and Paix bouche,
Alexis family in Penville,

Other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.

A memorial service will be held on Friday 7th May at the Portsmouth Christian Union Church at

About Author

Emerline Anselm

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