It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, a person with kids, or a grandparent – COVID-19 has impacted everyone. Outwardly, we are all coping with how to maintain our lives and health under stay-at-home orders and work-from-home guidelines, while assuming more educational responsibilities for children, household maintenance and more. We are also each coping with the competing priorities of surviving today and planning for the tomorrow. We each grapple with what this means for us personally, as the pandemic has brought this balancing act into stark view.
Ogden Browne, one of Sagicor’s top advisors, offers some advice as well as five points to consider when it comes to what COVID-19 has taught us about life insurance.
- Out of every crisis comes an opportunity.
The COVID-19 pandemic has given us an opportunity to stop and reflect on what’s really important. Along with that reflection, comes the opportunity to protect those that matter most, by educating ourselves on the best insurance plan to put in place to cover their need. In life, it’s always about timing. There has never been a better time to make a change for the better.
- Insurance can help, even during a pandemic.
The fact is life and all its incidents and accidents continue even during a pandemic, and the things that make insurance a beneficial investment do not pause either. During a pandemic or anytime for that matter, persons can be adversely affected with critical illnesses or other life events and at that time that lump sum injection can cushion the effects of any oncoming financial hardship.
- What can I learn from being scared?
The truth is that many of us, before we became more informed about COVID-19 and how to live in this new normal, were scared. The challenge in these times becomes – what can we learn even as we feel scared? You may be asking yourself, “What will my family do if I something happens to me? How will my family get by financially from day to day in my absence? Will my children be able to complete their education?” Although fear does not provide solutions, life insurance does. Sitting with an advisor to review your portfolio or put one in place can make all the difference.
- It’s always a good time to plan
It is often quoted that there are seasons for everything under the sun, however, times like COVID-19 remind us that it is always the right season to plan. Right now, it’s normal for your thoughts to revolve around how you and your family are going to survive this. A natural extension of this is putting plans in place so you and your family are better prepared for unexpected. Consider life insurance, critical illness insurance and home insurance as critical components of any preparedness plan.
- You are not alone
COVID-19 has drawn attention to the fact that we can only survive hard times together and that we are not alone. We see now that the world is connected, and this pandemic has shown us that we need each other. We have all seen at a local level many acts of generosity that shine light on the best humanity has to offer and underlines the fact that we cannot get through this alone. Life insurance provides part of the support you need to thrive in these circumstances. In fact, the best advisors are like family looking after you and your family’s long-term interest. They can advise you on how best your resources, can improve your future prospects.
“The one thing you can do today,” Ogden emphasized, “is to visit Sagicor’s website and reach out so you can secure an agent. Knowing that someone is out there looking out for you, to assist to you organize your financial situation so you can prepare for the next rainy day, will help you. I promise.”
PHOTO: Ogden Browne, Advisor, Sagicor Life (Eastern Caribbean) Inc
About Sagicor Life (Eastern Caribbean) Inc
Sagicor is a leading financial services provider in the Caribbean, with over 175-years of history, and has a growing presence as a provider of life insurance products in the United States. Sagicor offers a wide range of products and services, including life, health, and general insurance, banking, pensions, annuities and real estate. Sagicor’s registered office is located at Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton, HM 11, Bermuda with its principal office located at Cecil F De Caires Building, Wildey, St Michael, Barbados. Sagicor Life Eastern Caribbean Inc. (SLECI) is a subsidiary of the Sagicor Financial Corporation with registered offices in St Lucia.
Additional information about Sagicor can be obtained by visiting www.sagicor.com