
Death announcement of 84 year old Alice Francis Bruney better known as Ma Allie of Gaulette River, KT

Death announcement of 84 year old Alice Francis Bruney better known as Ma Allie of Gaulette River, KT

It is with great sadness we announce the death of 84 year old Mrs Alice Francis Bruney better known as Ma Allie of Gaulette River.

She died on the 19th of august 2020 at the Dominica China  Friendship Hospital.

She lives to mourn :
7 children :Beatrice,Pascal,Ambrose,Bastienne,Victor, Veronica in Guadeloupe ,Mary and Francis in Dominica

1 brother :Peter James

2 sisters :Celestina  and Cecelia James

43 grand children including :Bonny,Shermine,Yousiff,Jousha,Stanny,Lightening,Malita,Malika,Alita,
Melani,Aidy, and Dianne

25 great grand including : Norwan,Bianca,Thierry,Nickelle,,Alex Romano

2 great great grand :Mathieu & Shakell

2 daughters in law : Brenda and Cathy

1 grandson in law :Clyde James

Close friends :Laurel,Paul Elize,lindey,Julie,Laurel Ingrid and the entire commuinty of Gaulette River  many family and friends too numerous to mention.

Funeral date :Tuesday 25 august 2020

Venue :Salybia Catholic Church
Viewing : 2 :30pm
Service :3pm
Burial :Salybia Cemetry.

About Author

Emerline Anselm

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