We would like to announce the death of 71 year old Gertrude John Baptiste better known as Neuter or Get Busy of Mabouche Grand Bay who died at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital on Tuesday 20th April 2021.
She leaves to morn three sons: Titus St. Luce Alzac St. Luce employee of DASPA & Adelbert Jno Baptiste
One adopted daughter Rosette Alcendor residing in France
One daughter in law : Annie St. Luce- Director of Dominica Infirmary
Four grand Children: Ema St. Luce Prosper, Mishael St. Luce, Kaylee St. Luce. Teashaun and Tyrcee Jno Baptiste.
One adopted granddaughter: Lisa Anthony
One son in law: Curwin Prosper
Three sisters including Olga in France and Gislien in Guadeloupe
One brother Anthony Grell
Close friends including: Hon Roosevelt Skerrit , Hon Edward Registe, Ella Morgan and Suzette
The Winston family on King George the V street, the Laville and Jno Baptiste Families, the vendors of the Roseau market and the vendors outside of AC Shillingford.
Members of the Church of the Nazarene, Pastor Jeffers Baron and members of his congregation in Pichelin
Other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Gertrude John Baptiste better known as Neuter or Get Busy will be transported at 2:00pm at the Pichelin Nazarene Church on Wednesday 12th May.
Funeral Service begins at 2:30 pm followed by interment will be at the Grand public Cemetery.