Tourist’s attorney questions why case against him continues after autopsy suggests cocaine played role in resort worker’s death

Tourist’s attorney questions why case against him continues after autopsy suggests cocaine played role in resort worker’s death

(CNN) A revised autopsy report done of Kenny Mitchel, the maintenance worker on the island of Anguilla who was allegedly killed by American tourist Gavin Scott Hapgood, says he had a lethal amount of cocaine in his system at the time of his death. Obtained by The New York Times, the revised autopsy report, which includes […]

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 69 Rescued from Cages at Arouca Church, Trinidad

69 Rescued from Cages at Arouca Church, Trinidad

Six­ty-nine peo­ple rang­ing from the ages of 19 to 70 years have been found locked away in cages at a church lo­cat­ed along the East­ern Main Road in Arou­ca on Wednes­day morn­ing. These peo­ple both men and women are be­lieved to be vic­tims of “mod­ern day slav­ery” and “hu­man traf­fick­ing” ac­cord­ing to Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice […]

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