
Port-of-Spain designated UNESCO City of Music

Port-of-Spain designated UNESCO City of Music

(CMC) – The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has designated the city of Port-of-Spain as a City of Music.

The announcement was made on Tuesday by Port-of-Spain mayor,Joel Mar¬tinez.

In mak­ing the an­nounce­ment, Mar­tinez said the Port-of-Spain four-year plan to ac­tion has been aligned with UN­ESCO Cre­ative Cities Net­work’s mis­sion.

“If we want to progress as a peo­ple and coun­try our cap­i­tal city can­not re­main the same,” Mar­tinez told the at­ten­dees.

Mar­tinez said the di­rec­tor-gen­er­al of UN­ESCO de­cid­ed to des­ig­nate Port-of-Spain as a mem­ber of the cre­ative cities net­work in the field of mu­sic.

“Al­most every fes­ti­val or cul­tur­al ac­tiv­i­ty that pass­es through the streets of the city has some sort of mu­si­cal ac­com­pa­ni­ment.”

He said the scope of the ini­tia­tives with­in Port-of-Spain’s four-year plan are both na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al which would have ben­e­fits for many.

The mu­sic zones seek to es­tab­lish lo­ca­tions with­in Port-of-Spain to…

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